Friday, June 7, 2013

'He" Is Beautiful

Last Monday we are asked by our lecture in creative writing class to rewrite the text written by our classmate, Listiyaningsih since she composed a lot of unnecessary thing which is not appropriately used for writing a feature writing text. here is my own. 

                Since our creative writing lecturer went to Bali, he sent his friend, Mbak Abmi to lecture us. She has ever come to the class with the ‘Bag it’ Movie review. Surprisingly, she now came with the woman with grey cardigan, long hair and a piercing in her nose. As she came in, everyone started whispering. There is an unusual thing in her beautiful appearance. Is she really a woman?
                As the woman started introducing herself, we know that her name is Sonya and we called her ‘Mbak Sonya’. And to our surprise, she is a transgender or often called in Indonesia as ‘Waria’ (not a real woman). He comes from Klaten but Yogyakarta has been a home since her vocational study.  
                As a transgender, doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any job, achievement,  and activity at all. She explores herself as an activist in PKBI (Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia) , bridal make-up, and beauty consultant.
                Talking about her identity as a transgender, it could be seen since her childhood. Her parents , especially mother even let her playing more often with the female friends, not with the male ones. She was also very pleased enough to play dolls and have some make-up instead of having football. Moreover, she became more and more comfortable to wear female stuffs and clothes. This makes the contradiction among friends and family, but she kept winning her passion to be a woman.
                Being a transgender, Mbak Sonya has ever been to several places such as Solo, Bandung, Bali, and Jakarta in proving her identity. Still, Yogyakarta couldn’t positively lose its sweet homey as the most pleasant place she has ever visited as she said ‘ Jogja is the pleasant place for me and the atmosphere here is different from others”. She got so many meaningful values, lessons, and life knowledge as she came to be a volunteer for the earthquake victims. She also dedicated herself to help people, especially the other transgender to against HIV Aids. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Kim Yee Seul's Painting- Life Is Experience

    Kim Yee Seul , the Korean student studying English Literature has been very happy with her Acrylic painting. She found her own passion since she was 4 years old when she won the painting competition. From that moment, she chose to keep painting and she was happy for that. Combining the cheerful and happy senses with whatever she has experienced, she created gorgeous Acrylic painting. The regular lines, balance colors and supportive details are all involved in her painting. 

    Experiencing something which is precious can be taken to her own painting world. "I like to paint thing I want to keep remember that I have experienced that, since it is sweet and really meaningful for me", she said. This can be seen from one of her paintings , she put luxurious models of yacht since she was very pleased to be in Port Stephen when she visited Australia. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sonya's Childhood - Does It Affects Her Life ?

"I still remember when I was a kid , I cried because I got a hit by the ball when I was playing with several friends, and they are boys. Knowing this, my mother asked me not to play with them but the girls ones. So I then enjoying to gather and play with the girls, and I found that I'm part of them", said woman, who is actually biologically man but made up herself as a woman named Sonya.

Born as a man was might be mistaken or what according to Sonya since she likes to dress and do whatever women have and do since from she was a little girl. playing with girls friends, collecting barbie dolls, having some cute girls stuffs and enjoying herself to dress her self and make up herself like a girl has to be. 

Born in a family whose parents got divorced, Sonya kid was affected by the lack of fathers figure because she was taken care by her mother. this might perhaps psychologically set her mind set and behavior so that she likes to be woman. 

Even when she was forbidden not to behave and like any girls stuff by her mother but still, she couldn't stop that way. She grew up as a woman and found her hobby to decorate and dress the doll up prettily until she wanted to be a designer. she likes to cook and enjoying herself so much. 

trying to achieve her goal, no matter how hard her mother's block is she tried very hard to get her goals. She secretly joined the designing classes and other stuff like a social activity. Having a great attention to people havig same destiny and nature as she is, as a transgender , she now gathers in transgender community and also cares to HIV Aids . She is involved in a community called PKBI ( Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia ). She has done many activities concerning to HIVAid' s prevention and helps many people. no matter what people think about herself, she keep persistent to do what she can do and to create whatever beneficial things for her career and her life. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

They Are Everywhere, Plastics –Bag it Review

They Are Everywhere, PlasticsBag it Review
Dewi Sagita (10/296703/SA/15132)

            “The story begins with a single plastic bag...” The statement opens and sucks the reader in to the idea of the movie ‘plastic’. Bag it , a movie by Suzan Berreza featured with Ted Berrier first makes the sign of big question mark in my brain – what is this plastic movie for? How could be this movie made?
            After moving further, this movie makes me aware that everything around us is made of plastic. Great. Even this disposable thing is kind of important for us in running our daily activity. We shop in the market and we are given a plastic bag to put our stuffs, our drink is exactly in the bottle, out eating utensils or even food packaging. What should we do with that if that has to be connected with the environment?
            Environmental issues being involved in this movie makes me pretty worry to notice the living surrounded, and I think you feel the same. Disposable thing, this plastic is produced in such a huge quantities and they are being thrown everyday by people. After throwing it, It goes away but actually it doesn’t goes away. It sticks around for the very long time since this is again, disposable thing. Even, the problem increases when the plastic is taken to the sea. How do the animals survive with that polluted water?
            I’ve just said that because the movie says that. Plastic bag which is made by polyethylene is considered would be bad for the living and environment. It is proved by the dead birds, turtles, and whales whose stomachs are full of plastics. Hundred thousands marine animals die each year. Isn’t that awful?
            The harm of plastic doesn’t stop here. For whoever parents caring the babies must notice what kind of toys or baby stiffs made of plastic that contains phthalates. Bag it provides information about the harm of phthalates to the growth of babies since it affects the hormone within the body to create any disorders and constructed of their reproductive system, gender, and intelligence.

This couldn’t be as good as the documenter film would be if there is no good evidence in it. bag it delivers the way plastics harm to be introduced and known by people around the world by involving the important figures such as scientist, marine research foundation, national geographic explorer, author, professor of environmental medicine , etc.
            Even though this is a documentary film which is scientifically factual, the way it is presented by Ted Berrier is pretty fun to watch since he puts light humor in every scene he does. Therefore, this movie will not be that boring and confusing for providing many scientific, chemicals, and environmental talks and terms to watch.
            After watching this is there any question come out of your mind? If you ask me, yes I do.  So what should we do? What do we do with the plastic? Or with the environmental we live? We may take examples from some countries like China, India, Australia, South Africa, French, and Brazil has banned plastics. We might try from the very simple thing to bring our plastic bag for shopping, our bottle for drink, and not to use many plastic products if we don’t need that , try to recycle and not to litter them everywhere especially the sea might be at least helpful to do. It might be not easy as we think but we can learn from this movie to try to ‘Bag it’!

Monday, April 22, 2013

DOA - Chairil Anwar

We are from Power Puff Girl group ( Dewi Sagita, Dia Rakhma, Annisa Firdhasavitri, Uswatun Chasannah) and this is our work towards the Creative Writing assignment - to put some photos representing the poem. We took the poem entitled Doa- by Chairil anwar

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Special Taste after Your Cough and Sneeze

What do you think after hearing the word ‘Chicken’ for your meal? Delicious ? Easily found ? or is that boring to eat that ? Get prepare with something I’ve got from ‘Lesehan Teh Nining’s special menu’ .         

What I mean by Lesehan is an eatery commonly known as street vendor, usually offering affordable price yet satisfied to eat. Located near my dorm in Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, I often visit lesehan teh Nining. Everyday, across Lembah Fitness UGM ( Universitas Gadjah Mada Fitness Centre) starts from 4 p.m a tent has been set up a long with the small table without chair, that’s why this is called ‘Lesehan’. Visitors sit on the floor which has been covered by carpet. Around couples of minutes more, the crowded comes until night around 10 p.m.  Teteh’s food lovers were enjoying the meals, including me.
            Here I’m gonna talk about what I’ve written first ‘Chicken’. Last Tuesday, at 5 p.m, I visited that street vendor and being welcomed by the owner rolling also as a chef, Teteh (the way sundanesse people call the older sister or woman, becuase she coriginally comes from West Java). She was smiling at me when I said  “ Biasa teh, Ayam Terong Saus Tiram (Chicken and eggplant that are eaten with oyster sauce ). After she began cook, I knew so well what would be about to come. ‘Cough’ or ‘sneeze’. Perhaps you are wonder why I had coughed and sneeze when this food was being cooked. This was the secret, I thought, that makes the food delicious.
            As all the spices (garlic, chili, and onion) that has been mashed were put into oil, the aroma of that spices filled the atmosphere around that Lesehan and made me and the other visitors cough and sneeze. What was this? It was hard to explain but the aroma of that food being cooked and stimulated us to get a cough or sneeze was called ‘Segrak’( sundanesse) . anyway, you can feel that when you come here. Moreover, i didn’t just sit as I used to be while waiting for my order, but I saw Teteh cooked Ayam Terong Saus Tiram. After the spices cooked well, she poured a bit water to the kettle and then put chicken meat to be mixed up well. Few minutes later, she put the eggplant and then poured oyster sauce (saus tiram) and cook the food until it was done well and ready to be served.
            Here it was. The food, ayam terong saus Tiram was ready to eat. The portion, along with the rice, was enough for one person and it was served on the plastic plate, unfortunately. The taste of the broth was really good; it tasted a bit salty, sweet and spicy (depends on how you order how spicy the food will be). The meat of the chicken was mixed well with the spices and sauce; I could see from the mushy textures of the meat which was nice to eat and it tasted pretty good. The eggplant one was also nice; it was smooth, mushy, and mixed well with the oyster sauce. So far I ate the food, it made me satisfied to have the same order when I come here the other day.

            Besides the food I’ve just eaten, Lesehan teteh Nining offered other various food. There were many kind of penyetan (usually chicken, fish, tempe, tahu, etc which are fried), pecel (rice or vegetable along with the peanut broth /sauce), and any roasted food. The visitors came more and more crowded up to night because of the taste of the food. A friend of mine, Dia had special menu to order : terong saus tiram and fried Nila. “I don’t know why I order the same thing every time I come here. It just tastes great. The crunchy of the fried Nila makes me want to eat the whole meat except the fish bound, hehee” she said while enjoying the food.
            By spending IDR  12.000,00, you can have Ayam terong Saus Tiram completed with the welcoming bonus ‘cough and sneeze’ ceremony. This might a bit expensive for the street vendor food, nut according to the taste and the service, that price worthed enough for the food. The satisfaction was served for us,  dearest customers. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Died For His Dedication - Feature Writing

Sleman, Yogyakarta - "I am still in Mbah Maridjan's house. There are many guests here. Mbah Maridjan said he would have Ashar praying first", Wawan said to his friend from Yogyakarta's today newspaper, on the phone, few hours before the eruption occurred. 

Yuniawan Nugroho, often called Wawan, appeared in the victim list of mount Merapi eruption, on October, 26th 2010. Work as a journalist, he was dedicated to do his job for documenting the updated information about mount Merapi. 

For making it good, he directly went to theKinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, in which Mbah Maridjan lives. Unfortunatelly, he got trapped there, when the eruption of mount Merapi was occurring. 

This 32 years old man might not be died if he didn't come back to Mbah Maridjan's house, soon after the warning sirine heard, for picking him up to go down to the more safe are. "He is a caring and loveable person. Helping other people is not the unusual thing to do , for he also contributed in the program of charity and welfare for improvised  person", Yudi, his work partner, also work as a journalist explained to us. 

Yet, what I want to say is that even though someone possessing intention, to help others, but still God who does creates decision. Wawan was killed, there, when the Pyroclastic flow was approaching the land - the current location where he was in Mbah Maridjan's house. That huge clouds of ash stoppedr, his life and his career as a journalist. 

Being found died, Wawan along with Mbah Maridjan and the rest 8 ones were evacuated soon after the location was nearly safe because of the great eruption of Mount Merapi. Yes, the eruption  which didn't need much time not only to cover the whole nearest village in Kaliurang including Canfkringan, which is considered as the worst area being destroyed, but also the people surrounded grief and mourning of this tearful thing. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Letter for Dina Oktaviani

Dear Dina Oktaviani ,
Firstly, I was really amazed by your words by words written in your letter. You have given us strength and certain kind of power- to believe ourselves potential, talent, and capability to reach our goals. Well, I might be different from you- for not experiencing such life that could be hard for everyone to face, including me. You really struggled for that to keep strong and explored yourself to be the one who you really are, a great writer. This certainly make me impressed to see that you survived well- even though there were much miseries, troubles, and difficulties in your childhood life back then. But now, you stand, you write, to make the world see you as strong woman, agreeable, brilliant and talented writer throughout your works. Besides, there will be many hearts and minds being touched and moved by your life story since people will learn that life could not be always easy and happy. There will not only mirth without feeling any misery first. There will not any relief, without keeping a big burden. The most important one is that there will always be a way to be good and respect who we really are by spending much efforts and exploring ourselves as best as we can. No matter what the result will be, that is the best for us.
For your impressing writing, you said that there must be a practice. I am totally agreed with you. If I am not mistaken, I have ever heard that man’s talent is only 3 to 4 % and the rest ones are determined by practice. The talent could not be even improved if we don’t develop that. By learning and practicing, we can make our own world. Dear, Dina Oktaviani , I once again state that you really impress me to keep running this life with the struggle and the positive mind- of believing myself. Thank you.
Regards, Yogyakarta
Dewi Sagita

The Ring- 11.45 p.m

            That was a Saturday night, 11.45 p.m, in such a crowded place where people gathered, talked, biked, took photographs, or simply sat on the grass, a man suddenly talked to a woman, who has just passed two big trees with the eyes covered with a couple of rings , in his hand. There was a wide, blooming smile and the eyes glistened with tears – seen in the woman’s face for hearing what just had been said by the man, to propose her a marriage. The woman was me, myself, who couldn’t be any happier to find that he was proposing me. “thousand times yes” , the only simple word to begin a wonderful world was revealed , for I couldn’t deny the senses.
            I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t know what to say, at that 11.45 p.m. It was awkward moment for finding myself blushed as if I was about to be died. It was just too pleased to have, I thought.  
            After having the gorgeous thing in my finger, I thought that my day, after that night was far away better than ever. I liked to see it dazzling under the sun, had it shown  and make every faces reveal their surprising smiles or I simply looked at it as the most enchanting one I had. I didn’t know if I was insane or not for talking to my ring- when I’ve just arrived at my room, since I couldn’t sleep at all.
“What a gorgeous ring you are – most beautiful one I’ve ever had”, I said.
“Sure, I’m very pretty to be used in our finger”, a voice came from the ring. I got really shocked to hear ‘it voices’ suddenly heard. Yes, the ring he had given to me at 11.45 p.m now I was talking to, soon after he took me home.
“Oh my God, am I dreaming now? Ring! You can talk! Did I really hear you talking to me? Or simply because I was too happy?”, I wonder.
“Why can’t I speak? To the woman being loved by such a favorable man who has taken me from he shop. He simply took me as a simple ring, but then he chose me as the nicest one than the rests to be given to you”, it said sparklingly.
“Sure, ring his decision to pick you is right. I like you; well I am really happy to have you. I couldn’t be any more pleased for your companion for my whole life. Ring; did he really want me to be his partner life? Mean, a wife?” , I rubbed it softly.
“Of course he did. You couldn’t believe for what I have seen several hours before I was about to be given to you. He held me tightly- with a box. I could feel that he was terribly nervous, as it might be the important one to do in his life, to propose you. He talked a lot to his mother and his best friends on the phone, asking for suggestion or to simply to make him more relax.  A mother talking such a comforting words ever, that her son would do the proposal well and thought that everything would be okay- no need to be worried at all. A female friend of him totally supported him by trying to find a good place for the proposal. And the rest one was a man, most agreeable one to be your lover’s best friend, was happy to see his good fellow would be getting married soon. He might not a romantic man and couldn’t easily speak the romantic words- but he sincerely told you the truth, that he loved you.  Simple words to say ‘Will you marry me?’ and ‘I love you’  were most relieved to be.”, explained it.
“How kind are they. They are really good friend, to make the man I love find his mirth. You know Ring, I was really freezing that I could feel as if my heart stop beating and my blood stop flowing. I had no reason to say no. I think he would be good for me, more favorable than any other men. Thank you for coming to my life, ring.”
The ring didn’t speak anymore. It was simply just silent with its dazzling light, the light for us to face the following day- the wedding.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

From the Old Malioboro into the New One

Dewi Sagita
Creative Writing
            Indonesian people must know about Yogyakarta or commonly called Jogja, since it is a big city which is still in line with its traditional touch involving cultures and civilization. By seeing from the tourism sector, there are many beautiful and eye catching places to visit from beaches, buildings, mountain, and so on. One of the most commonly heard is Malioboro. Malioboro has become the icon in Yogyakarta as the place that has to be visit. As seen in its development, the old and new Malioboro is definitely different in every aspects. People nowadays might find the new Malioboro more attractive and modern that can be seen from the building that has been upgraded and public facilities that has been provided such as bench, pretty small trees planted along the road side completed with the lamp decoration placed surrounded, atm centre, public transportation and so on. Compared to the old one by Looking through old pictures of Malioboro, Jogja is considered has developed. We can say that the old Malioboro was more spacey, as we can see that lots of people walk rather than using any possible transportation. Nowadays, the new one is obviously more crowded. It might happen because of the increasing of population.
            Jogja also can be seen from different perspective towards the function possessed by the old and the new one. The old Malioboro could be usual for the daily activities among Sultan in the Palace and its people as well as celebration related to Sultan’s power and authority. Nowadays, Malioboro, turns into a tourism destination. When people or visitors see it as a place where they can spend time for vacation or taking pleasure, this makes the place grows rapidly and becomes a business area. It looked spacey and cleaner back then where we didn’t see many billboards or banners. Right now, we can see many and various billboards placed in front of the shops or along the road. There are lots of sellers selling their stuffs, like clothes, accessories, bags, food, tattoo, and so on that can be seen a long the road side when we as we walk in Malioboro. This might make the visitors or pedestrians feel a bit uncomfortable since the space for them to walk well is less provided because of many people coming there. The whole development affect more and more people to come, visit, and enjoy Jogja, especially Malioboro for shopping, visiting historical places, or even just for a little walk and sightseeing. Thus, since human beings experience evolution and so does the place—it develops naturally. Throughout times, people tend to change depending on its social and economic demands (might be from other aspects such as cultural, education, etc) which can be seen from this development of Malioboro from the old into the new one in this recent time. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Why Did I Get Here ? - Creative Writing Task 2

Dewi sagita

            English. I don’t know where from that word comes to my life. Thing that I only know is that the memory of my childhood when my mother used to tell me the list of animals name in English when I was around five years old. Cat, elephant, dog, chicken, duck, butterfly, fish, cow, and many more were often said by her. She tried to make me understand that name in English from the Indonesian one. That might be the reason why until now, in my twenty years old, I like English. When I was at school, from elementary until junior and senior high school, I seemed only like English subject. That was the subject i mostly take serious, fun, and easy one to learn since I have a passion in that. I once ever said when I was a little girl; I wanted to take them to go to many countries around the world that can be fulfilled by speaking english. Interested in that, I started to explore my own selves potential by joining the English courses, participating in the English Club, and involving my self into some competition like English Speech contest, Newsreader, and English Drama competition in my hometown, Karawang, West Java. I enjoyed those things for enriching knowledge and improving my abilities in English.
            As the time goes by, since I like English, I want to continue my study to university by taking this subject. I firstly interested in teaching English, so that I tried to send the application to UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), a kind of university concerning in teaching major, but I got failed. Other choice I was interested in at that time was UI , University of Indonesia, since I think it has good reputation and lies in Depok, which is a bit affordable and easily reachable enough. I wanted to have English Literature so that I tried to fill the document application through online. At the same time, I heard from my classmates about test in UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and then I took some considerations. After knowing that university was in the first rank in within University in Indonesia, I tried to follow the test in Jakarta. I chose English Literature for my first choice, since I like to read novels and want to know this deeper, and the second choice is International Relation. Several weeks later, if I’m not mistaken, I was totally surprised to see the announcement of my selection to be new student in English Literature major in UGM. I couldn’t believe that since I thought I did badly in mathematic part in the test so that I guessed I would be failed, but thank God has the other plan for me.
            This announcement couldn’t be the end of the relief, when I suddenly saw the response of my parents. Both of them were completely surprised, relief, proud and couldn’t be any happier for finding their daughter was accepted in favorite university. But then they considered Yogyakarta was very far away from our hometown, Karawang, and since I am their only daughter, they were a bit worry to let me stay in Yogyakarta. It was worse added by the news of earthquake that often happens there. But by thinking and thinking it several times, they then permitted me to study there. So, then I am here, now in the faculty of English Department, taking the major of English Literature, Universitas Gadjah Mada. I will not stand here, studying literary works, writing blogs for my Creative Writing subject, if I didn’t take challenge and opportunity even though I felt doubt about myself at the first time. What I’m going to say is that you don’t need to be worried, in reaching your goals, no matter hard they will be and try to be as good as possible through effort and pray. Life hopefully will be nice then by finding unexpected things in the end, whether the sadness or happiness are should be taken wisely.

Friday, February 22, 2013

My First Day of Creative Writing Class

Dewi Sagita (10/296703/SA/15132)
Creative Writing Task

Last Monday, I got a Creative Writing class whose teacher is BLABLA . The class was separated into two class A and B, and I got A. At that time the lecturer described the description of the subject and the way it can be published into blogs. In that first day of creative Writing lecturing, we are asked what the difference between telling and showing something was. At the first time, I got confused and I have also shared my opinion that showing perhaps used visual image, but then soon as the lecturer explained that through example of student’s statement that had a connection with showing and telling. And by that time, I got clearly explanation that telling was simply tell someone your own feeling or experience toward something but then showing was more to tee the reader as well as involve them to the story, words, or statement that has been said so that they could feeling the same thing that you experienced towards particular event.
In enriching that lesson, we are required to do exercises about describing five senses such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. By doing that, hopefully we could understand to develop idea and use adjective that can involve and cover the theme of those senses in the sentences. For the grading , the lecture told us to make a blog so that we can post assignments in this blog. It was my first time in making blog, but it could be useful since I have new experience in enriching knowledge of writing activity. Overall, this Creative Writing class could be a good subject to study since everything now has connection with writing that might become part of career in the future of English Literature’s student and I enjoy this enough. 

Creative Writing Assignment- Describing Senses

Dewi Sagita (10/296703/SA/15132)
Creative Writing Task

Human must have senses given by God whether they come from sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch.  Those are used every time and very important since everything exist in the world are something that can we see from our own eyes, hear with ears, smells with our noses, taste delicious food with tongues, and also touch whatever textures with our skins (hand). Don’t you think how lucky we are to have those senses, do you?  You will do various things with your senses, and there might be any likes or dislikes appear involved depends on someone’s characteristic. This is what I am going to say in this writing.

Sight    : I really love the place where I can see various beautiful flowers with theirs colors attractions as if I want to hold that, smell it and lie surrounded by their enchanting scent and beauty.

Smell   : I totally hate the stench of blood; whatsoever blood even my own selves since it makes me sick until I want to throw up

Taste    : I will never find the most delicious and tastiest fried rice expect the one which is made by my mother. The combination of rice, scramble egg, well chosen spices and chicken meat mixed with the shrimp paste makes my tounge want to eat it over and over again.

Hearing: In this lovely morning, I thanked God for letting me breathe, see my pink bedroom, and listen to my favorite instrumental songs. I loved to listen Kenny G’s instrumental songs like forever in love, loving you, 11pm, fall again (feat Robin Thicke), and no place like home (feat baby face)since its saxophones completed with other instruments sounds create a harmony to be whole perfect song to hear that could touch your heart to feel relax.

Touch  : I like to use a high heel which is comfortable to use. I would prefer to choose the soft materials commonly made by good brands. The textures must be soft  and fit with the foot not the rough one that might be me wounded.